Sunday 21 March 2010

Filming and editing the main excercise

Originally we were going to film at the girl's location at first but she was busy in the end, so instead of wasting our time to do the piece and having to rebook the camera, we decided to film at the guy's location on the tuesday evening instead. Mia and Kyle met at the train station first of all and as they were on their way Mia rang me and i met them because i live near the location. I had the camera and tripod with me already as i'd been practicing with it before hand at home. I met them near my house and we walked to the location where we were going to film.

When we got there i started to sort the camera and the tripod ready to begin filming. When i was finished setting up we went through the kitchen to the bathroom to prepare for our first shot. Because of the layout in the bathroom i had to stand in the bath with the tripod and the camera. We made sure the the shower head wasnt in a position where it would be able to spray the camera if it somehow turned itself on. Then i had to postion the camera so you wouldnt see me in the shower with it. I had the shower curtain pulled across for a bit of extra coverage just incase but it was fine and you couldnt see me in the mirror. The rest of the filming in the house went quite smoothly. Then we had to go film outside. Filming outside wasnt too bad, we were still able to see which was fine but seeing the ranelagh road sign was quite difficult. Also it was a bit of a challenge to pan with him as he walked across the road and past the sign. In the end we had him walking out of the shot and the camera continuing to pan onto the sign. I tried to frame the sign according to the rule of thirds because it is the title of our production and quite important for it to be noticed. After we were finished I watched the footage through to make sure it was ok before we left and then i packed up and we went home. I watched it back a few times at home and made notes on a copy of our script as i watched it.


We then filmed at the girls location the next day when we would have been filming at the male location. Unfortunately we could only film during the day and we needed it to be night so be had to blackout her windows as much as we could. After we'd done this it was fine to start filming her.
Filming round at Harriet's (the girl) house went really well. We made sure we had enough takes and we were really able to take our time to get the shots right. At both locations I made sure if it was a still frame, unlike walking up the stairs, that i had tightened the tripod up to prevent the camera shaking loads. The only part i couldnt film with a tripod was walking up the stairs at harriets with the camera. I tried my best but honestly i know its quite shakey, but i think it gives the audience a feel of them walking up the stairs and watching. Another thing that was difficult to film was Harriet pulling down the latch of her door and opening it because it was daylight so as soon as she opened the door it was obviously daylight. There was a moment where we noticed harriet was walking out the house with no shoes on so in the second and third take we did, we had some shoes ready at the bottom of the stairs and you saw Harriet putting them on.

On thursday when we went back to college, we put the footage from the camera onto the computer and went through the footage deciding which
shots we wanted to use. Then we put them into order on movie maker so we had a rough edit of what we were going to do. The next lesson we were tightening the edit up but it was still a rough edit. We took a couple print screens of the editing process as well.


The Ranelagh road sign was still difficult to see when we were editing, but when we were filming if looked alright on the camera. So we took a still of it of that shot and edited it on photoshop so we could fade from the clip to the photo. The way we did this was alright, i think we could have tried doing a few more things to the picture before inserting it into our film. Because we made the writing of the sign quite white, we decided to fade into white and then the next shot would come in from a light if we had decided to film further.

When our piece was near to complete we sat and wrote some notes on the edit. We went through shot by shot explaining different things.

When comparing our work to the opening sequence of A way of life, the girl is the main character and it really gives the audience a sense to who she is. After discussing our piece in comparisson to a way of life i think we should have used more the of male character because he is more of a main character then the girl. In a way of life you see a man getting beaten up and ultimately it is the girl who kills him by stomping on his head. It then goes to her and her daughter sat in a cafe eating scraps and it then makes you kind of simpathetic to her and helps you to understand why she did it. Because we see the guy with the knife you know something is going to happen later in the film. To make him more a of a main character, we thought about putting in a voice over when he was looking in the bathroom mirror at himself, but in the end we didnt have enough time together to do this but i think it would have worked really well and helped it more.

Mia and me decided to make a sound bridge between the shot of the male character walking out the door and then down the street. To do this we grabbed a bit of the sound on premiere of the door slamming shut. We then opened it up in adobe audition 1.5 and made it echo on for a bit. When we did this we inserted it onto our piece on premiere and made it all line up.


This is a picture of the males locations we decided to film at, we did some filming in the kitchen and also in the bathroom with is at the end of the kitchen.

This is a picture of me in the bathroom getting ready to film. I was getting the framing etc right first, this was also the shot i had to do whilst standing in the bath tub.

Here is another shot of me doing the bathroom clip. Here it is easier to see how small the space was which i had to film in. I had to use the shower curtain in this shot to help hide myself from being seen in the mirror when recording.

Here is a picture of Kyle on moviemaker during one of our lessons editing our piece.

In this picture you can see kyle is still doing some editing and im doing some post filming paperwork.

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