Friday 23 April 2010

Final Evaluative Commentry

I think that doing the main excercise has been really good and i have really enjoyed it. I have been happy with what we chose to do and how we have handled doing it. We did a social realist drama about knife crime and how troubled teens can be. This is quite a current thing repeating occuring in the media at the moment so we thought it would be a good thing to relate our film to. It has a very negative view in the media but in our production its more about the feel of safety then about crime, however things in our production could go wrong depending on how the character chooses to deal with the "chavvy" crowd he assiociates himself with.It can also relate to few of the modern TV dramas that are about at the moment such as "skins" which is quite popular .


How does your media product represent particular social groups?
I think are production is mostly representative of what alot of people think about the current youth of today. So start of with we have used basic and common sterotypes, with the chavy guy and the girlie girl, both getting ready to go out. We have made the guy in this a troubled character and you know he has problems when he picks the knife out of the draw because thats not a common day to day occurance to get a knife and put it in your pocket. This is how some of the older generation percieve people to be like now. I think if we had included the voice over into our edit it would have made it better and more unstandable as to what he was thinking and how he really felt. I think the main idea with the knife is that he feels the need for it more as security, like the girl needs her make-up etc. To the girl her make-up and choosing the right clothes is important to her, as most girls can relate to and this can link in with the knife feeling the nned for the knife. Where we based him in an urban area and a less attractive house, i think people may feel sorry and understand that the knife is more of a safety thing. It could also string back to him hanging around in the wrong crowd too and he has been led to think by them that he needs a knife with him.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I reckon a company like Revovler Entertain would distribute our media product because they were the company that distributed "kidulthood" and they are also distributing a new film called "shank" which is again of the same sort of genre at our media production. I think that if they already have had a history of distributing similar drama productions to ours and they were sucessful that they would consider distributing this one. They already have the right distributing techniques for this type of film so i believe it would be ideal with them.

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The niche audience we aimed for people that were about 15-25 years old. We think they would be the most relatable to the piece as they are know more about "chavs" and how they are sterotyped to be. However the term chav is so common now and is unstood by lots of people i think are target audience could be extended and interest more people depending on how well the film was promoted. If it wasn't promoted in a good enough way then i reckon it would stay with the niche audience but done properly and well i think it would have a good chance of extending and getting a wider range of people interested in it.

How did you attract/address your audience?

When addressing out audience we had to consider different things like their interests, problems which they can relate to and also something different to the current films out at the moment to add some more variety and to help encorage them into watching our production instead of one of the others, which is why we went with the theme of knife crimes instead of the usual drugs and drink. We thought it would be good to zone in on "chavs" and troubled teens from a different persective for a change.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I think i've learn't quite a bit about technologies through doing the main and preliminary excercises. However i didnt learn more when doing the main excercise especially where i was doing the camera work. I really liked doing the camera because it was new to me and it was a learning process. I practiced in the lesson and then i carried on setting up the camera in different places so i was ready for small places etc. I also learnt more about the editing process, although i didnt personally edit myself in either productions i was still able to help and put my own input into the piece and i was also able to voice my opinions about what i thought. I also briefly learnt abit about photoshop when we were trying to sort the problems we had with the ranelagh road road sign. Another thing i have come across whilst doing my coursework for AS media is this, blogger. I 've learn through this how to make links from my blog to google documents (another technology i am new to using) and the make them links open in a new window so whoever is reading doesnt lose their place when reading it. This was easier to do then i expected, all you had to do was enter target="blank" into the correct place of the HMTL code. I have also been able to embed video's and pictures into my blog, which i couldnt originally do. I've learnt how to make some of the pictures into links as well and i starred the ones that are link so people know when to click on them. So all in all i think i have learnt a fair bit about technology by doing this.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progressi
on from it to the full product?
An obvious thing i have learnt since the preliminary is the camera because i as i said i was doing the camera work and i've never used anything more then a digital camera for taking picture so this was new to me and i really enjoyied it. I had to focusing on framing a lot so make sure i got the right sort of thing. I think i did the framing quite well but i know theres always room for improvement and some shots could have been done better.

I know how much more paperwork and planning is needed as well now since the preliminary. We had to go into alot more detail then before and it wasnt easy at first, but when we found a good balance it got easier for us and we were able to work at a better pace.

Some i learnt during the preliminary but was able to take onto the main piece in my new group was the importance of how much time we had to start filming etc. In the preliminary we gave ourselves an extra week in case of problems which came in handing and i think our time management was quite good in this group for the rate we got things done. We shared the work load well and did work in and out of college time which worked in our favour.

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